Union strikes great deals for members
ETU General Manager of Business Services, Rod Dalglish, is a very happy man. Rod has been leading the negotiating team that has secured a suite of new and improved member benefits for union members.
The new benefits include an exclusive ultra-low rate credit card, discounted fuel and a full package of benefits catering for families.
“I’ve worked in member associations before, and I’ve never seen a line up like this. The credit card and the cheap mortgages with Unity are real gets. Members will be saving thousands off
All financial ETU members have access to comprehensive ambulance coverage, including if they need a rescue helicopter.
“Look, put it this way. The average person who uses an ambulance will rack up a cost of $570 for an ambulance to come to your house and $1,700 if you need to go to hospital. If you need to be transported to hospital by helicopter the cost will exceed $10,000. As an ETU member, you don’t have to worry about any of that, for you or your family. It’s taken care of.”
Dalglish said the full member benefits book had been posted out to members, featuring the full range of exclusive benefits and discounts.
“We’re fighting all the time for a better deal for members. If I can get anything up before the next benefits book goes out, it will be straight up on the website."