State-wide Lockdowns
On Monday March 24th, Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, announced the forced lockdowns of some non-essential businesses and venues across the State.
These lockdowns currently apply to:
- Pubs, registered and licensed clubs, hotels
- Gyms and indoor sporting venues
- Cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos and night clubs
- Restaurants and cafes are restricted to takeaway and/or home delivery
- Religious gatherings, places of worship or funerals
Many ETU members work in designated essential industries. At this stage the majority of our members’ employment will not be affected.
Now is the time to practice our union values in looking out for one another and respecting each other, so we can protect our families and the future that we have fought so hard to build.
For up-to-date information on the COVID-19 Alert, we encourage our members to visit the Department of Health’s website or call the dedicated hotline on 1800 020 080.
Stand Downs
Your union is working hard with the Government and other stakeholders to ensure that our industries remain open and our members stay at work.
BEFORE any stand downs occur, employers should exhaust all alternative work options. Failing that, employees should have access to:
- Annual Leave
- Accrued RDOs
- Long Service Leave
- Sick Leave
- Any other accrued leave provisions
If any member is stood down from work, or any workplace is shut down, please contact your Organiser immediately.
Aaron Douglass: 0427 288 290 |
Arron Harris: 0418 376 161 |
Chris Patterson: 0458 001 029 |
Ivan Balta: 0418 147 272 |
Danny Timmers: 0419 378 404 |
Nathan Stott: 0419 500 465 |
Justin Sordello: 0409 200 893 |
Troy Knight: 0400 982 292 |
Matthew Boyd: 0405 124 953 |
Wayne Nicolaci: 0416 144 911 |
Peter Mooney: 0418 338 725 |
Aaron Douglass: 0427 288 290
Arron Harris: 0418 376 161
Chris Patterson: 0458 001 029
Damian King: 0407 925 696
Danny Timmers: 0419 378 404
Ivan Balta: 0418 147 272
Justin Sordello: 0409 200 893
Nathan Jenkins: 0420 504 407
Matthew Boyd: 0405 124 953
Nathan Stott: 0419 500 465
Peter Mooney: 0418 338 725
Reno Lia: 0409 188 809
Steve Diston: 0400 938 980
Troy Knight: 0400 982 292
Wayne Nicolaci: 0416 144 911
IF stand downs occur, the following financial support is available:
NewStart (now called JobSeeker)
The Federal Government has doubled the JobSeeker payment (formerly NewStart) to $1,100 per fortnight. They will also be waiving the asset test and wait times for new applications. Apply at
See Newstart explainer here.
Up to $20,000 may be withdrawn from your Superannuation tax free. $10,000 in the 19/20 financial year (up to 30th June 2020) and an additional $10,000 in the following financial year (as of 1st July 2020). Call CBUS on 1300 361 784 or head to
See Superannuation explainer here.
Protect Members
For members who have funds in Protect, a $2,000 Stand Down payment (taxable) is available from Protect to assist with hardship, followed by a second $2,000 payment five weeks later. Access from or call 1300 344 249.
IF you volunteer to be made redundant, or are made redundant:
Protect members can access their redundancy from Protect. An initial $6,500 payment will be made upfront, followed by a further $10,000 payment at each five-week interval until full entitlements are exhausted. Access from or call 1300 344 249.
Keep calm and may all our ETU members and their families remain safe.
Playing our part - hygiene practices
We encourage all of our members to do their part in helping to protect themselves and others by practicing good personal hygiene at all times:
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue - not your hands
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitisers
- Clean and disinfect surfaces
- If you are sick, avoid contact with others and stay more than 1.5m away from other people
- Clean and sanitise frequently used objects such as mobiles, keys and wallets