Trade Pack Insurance
ATC offers Australia's best value trade insurance. We specialise in insurance for electrical tradies, so we really understand your business.
ATC is an Australian-owned company with offices in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Our TradePack insurance is underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's. Cover is anywhere in Australia.
ETU members have the option to be covered for public liability, tools and general property as follows:
Public Liability
- Limits: $5M, $10M & $20M
- Automatic cover for principal when required by contract
- Plumbers extension available for HVAC electricians.
- Consumer protection endorsement available for contractors operating in QLD
General Property
- Cover tools and equipment up to $20,000
- Can extend cover to onsite overnight
TO APPLY, give us a call 03 9258 1700 and we can organise your insurance immediately over the phone.
For more information on ATC, visit
Read the relevant ATC Product Disclosure Statement to decide whether ATC is right for you. Call 03 9258 1700 or visit for a copy. ATC Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd AFSL 305802 ABN 25 121 360 978.